********** Lesson text for qwerty keyboard **********
Lesson #1 Home Row - Left Hand
a s d f g a s d f g asdfg asdfg g f d s a g dd ss aa gfdsa fad ads fa sass gas dag fad af ada aa sf ff daa fa af daa faf dad sas dad dad dad afa sad sass das fas saf dad fas fa gag das fad af dag adad fads fas das fas fdsad sss fff dad dsa fa das dasd da dasd fg fg gf fgf gfg fad as fad sag dad fas sf aa fa daf dad sfa saf dad dad fas sass dafs dsas gfdsa sad f d s a aa ss dd ff gg
Lesson #2 Home Row - Right Hand
j k l ; j k l ; ; l k j jj kk ll ;; jl k; lj j;l jkj lkl jljk klk k j h l k j h ;lkjh ;lkjh h j k l h j k l hjkl; hjkl; hjk hj jh hjh jhj l; jk l; jj kk ll ll kk jj hj hlh lhj jl ;l kj lj jkl lkj lk jlk j; l kj; lkj kl; ljk ljk jl ;jk ;kl k;l j;l jl kj jkl k;j kj; klj hkl; jl jj ll kk j; ;; jj jkl;' jkl;' ; ' ; ' ;' ;' ';' ;'; 'kk ll hh hjh hjh hhjj jhjj hhjj ;; ljk jjk ljk kjk'l jkl; lkjk l; lj kl j jkl; kjkl kjl; jk k' l jk kl' k j l; lkj kj kl jk; ll' jk l kl hlkj hjk jlk j; l kj; lkj kl; ljk ljk
Lesson #3 Home Row - Both Hands and Shift
fj fj f j fJ fj d k dk Dk dk dk sl a; a; a' a' gh gh sl s l sl sl A ;: a ;: g ::: h ;;; j :;: A: a ; a; a; fj dk Al a; fj dk sl a; fad DAD Had Gag Gas aDD ad l " f " J; J ' "lad" lads sak Lass jsa jasd Kad slk fk ls ;a sl DK fj; sadl kals Fakl fkls: dLSk f;ls SA kd f;ls flsk ;fls dlsk: fkdl fad add kad kak lal jsj sks; "lsk" flak Gak Jag FAk slfk FkAj sla; fjak sldk fjald jaks fjla: flak alak alas sass Lad Had had glass lag lass fa Da ala: daDA "jaja" Dsla; Fjka: Sldk JALD; SKda f;ald ja;s kals f;al fka; DLsk dlak f Alsk f;a SKDL: kssk
Lesson #4 Upper Row - Middle Fingers (E I)
k I d e ki de kki kik de ded ede iki kide ie ii ee ieie ke di iekd ei ik de Kid die ide idle kk ii dd ee iei eie kied lied hide life file eel isle hide He feels sad did Sell faddle fad Fade fell fill sale Kid ail sail leeds jade fiddle Sill seal Seeds sell fell eels feels Jill jade sale file fief fad Jill feel gas sag feed had hid head lead leed self leaf deal deel eal seal slide geese hill gill She likes eel seal file fiddle geese self faddle eel isle hide Jeese he deal heal seal glee slide flee see ale ail alk salk lakes lake hike hikes hiked faded hid sailed kidded died filed sagged I like As I said;
Lesson #5 Upper Row - Index Fingers (R T Y U)
ff tt ff ft ft f t fft ftf tft fft fft fat hat sat stage daft tat lit kit sit I sat He sat last fast He is fast ff ft ftf ff r r fr frf ff rr ft fr ft frft fr frr frf ftf rt r t f t f r f r f t rfr tft frf ftf far hard lard trail j u j u u j j j u u u ju ju ju uj uj uj juj uju juj uju jju jju uuj uuj jui jug lug thug dug full fuel j j ju j y y y j y j y j u j y ju jy ju jy jyj uju juj jyj jujy jyju yu yu uy jyj juju ujy ujy yju yule jury hurry fury sure say hay day He sail tear hear share shrill grill did say it: let her The girl is here dig I hire yes yes fur fuss just I just did it she just said yes Dad said it is the fuel Dad dug the trail; Share tar sir girl She said hi I like her skirt The skirt fits Jessy likes it too;
Lesson #6 Upper Row - Ring Fingers (W O)
l o ll lo olo lol lloo lo lo ol s w ss ww sw sw ws sws sws wsw sl swl sol slow low solw solw ll oo ss ww o w losw: ooww lloo ss ww so wo loss soll low wol holly golly weird soul toward sooth oil toil soil royal wired out tooth lose loose trowl growl groggy weed worthy wash high weight teal; She was tired; it is loose: you go there; was he tired; he was tired they will go to the house will you go to the house I see it there it's wired she's a worker we or they will go Of the two I like the red wheel you will see it You go get it I will get the fly you fly there See the goat The goat is after the dog The dog is after the horse Will the horse go to the grass: The grass is red The dog is yellow Where is the tree; The tree Will the ghost go through the wall; The ghost will go through the wall; After that the ghost saw your owl The owl try to see the dark hat with a light Light will rise
Lesson #7 Pinky Practice (Q P : ; " ' / ? )
a q a q aq aqa qaq aaq qqa aq quit quill qualify Quall ; ;; p ; p p p ;; pp ;;p ;pp ;p; ;p; p;p pp; a ; aq a ; ;p ;p aq ap ;q ap p; pa q; ap ;q; pap pappy pop pup pear quip pit purr pale quip ; ' ; ' ; ; p' what's she's he's Sally's Fred's It's Sallys'; ; / ; / ; / /// ;;; /;/ that/ this/ go/ trust/ "yes" "go" "you" "you will go" ; ?? ; ? ; "Will you go?" "What did she say?" She said "go get it?" He will get the water/tea sip tip wip rip tap happy gap lip yippy "What's the deal?" asked Jay; "It's the right part of the trail so why are we lost?" "I wish I had the right way to go there" I agree to pay a quarter for that pie: If you pay a quarter for the quilt; I like her spirit/will "I quit" said Paul "Why did Paul quit?"
Lesson #8 Lower Row - Index Finger (V B N M)
f v f v ff vv fv fv vf vf fvf vfv fvf vfv ffv vvf fvf vert vet verge rave have derive rivet river live hive f b f b fb fb bf bf fbf fbf bfb ffb bbf bbfb ffbf brave brat braille bore able bark j n j n jn jn nj nj jnj jnj njn jjn nnj jjnn den fine sign fin never knit snag snail nail not nob nose j m jm jm jm mj mj jmj mjm jmj jmj jjm mmj jjmm men mend mind remind member remember man same We will not be mean He said now She is merry It may not be now Give it to me Don't make a mess Bill is very mean Mary has not been able to vote It is on my mind I am mad and angry at my big dog The dog bit the man on the arm bid mess miss bad nag men lab web sand jump fin five grave save over only cab been never mile bite berry not vote merry verge might mad love move over mile jam bat able army any dingy sing same table andy able web every gave have move grove mile bait beat jade merry men berry not vote nervous net met vet bet sever lever groan phone vest test jest meet view meal kneel night tone best veal Nile mile
Lesson #9 Lower Row - Pinky Practice (Z / ?)
a z az az za za aza zaz aza zazz azza Zzzz jazz hazy amaze raze ; / ; / ;/ ;/ /; /; ;/; ;/; /;/ /;/ she/he he/she end; now; they/them you; you/they ; ? ; ? ;? :? ?; ?; ;?; :?; ?;? What? Who? It; ok? Ok; lazy See? Are you there? Where's the zoo? Zip the zipper/ Zoom over? Zap the zip/ Where is the zipper? It is zero degrees; The man zigzagged down the road: Zoe have him a zonk on the head What zone is it in She's amazing The zoo/zookeeper are zany; She's met the zany zookeeper's zebra; Will Zelda zealously go to the store? Bite the bullet; She lives life with a zest; He's on the amazing team The zebra will graze on the grass: The sky is hazy: What size does Zelda wear? Where is my prize? He's very lazy: I like to go to the zoo; I was in a daze; He will zoom it: Go to the zoo Miss Zinger zoomed at the zoo
Lesson #10 Lower Row - The Rest (X C , < . > )
s x s x sx sx xs xs sxs sxs xsx sxxs ssx xxs sax lox relax ax extra extraordinary oxen ox oxygen oxidize fox maximum axel six fix k , k , k, k, ,k ,k k,k k,k ,k, k,, ,,k one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, k < k < k< k< <k <k k<k k<k <k< l . l . l. L. L. L.l .l. .. ll ll..l like. Yes. No. Go. Cave. L > l > l > l> l> >l >l >> LL >l> .. >> lox lax cave, Xylem is the woody vascular tissue of a plant. Xero means dry. The doctor took an xray. Can you explain why you like to play the xylophone? I like to play the xylophone because it sounds beautiful. Let's go to the zoo and see the amazing monkey play the piano. Can you see the ax? Can we go to see the ox relax? Can you see it? Can the cook make lox? Will you buy the candy? It's crazy to cram the candy into that case. Could you cry? He has an ace. He's going to crack the ice. He's nice? Can you run in the race. She wore lace to the race. The rice is cooked in ice water. She cracked the cookie on the cabinet corner. The mice like to eat the cold cheese. I like my coffee with six creams and six cakes. Can you fix the icing for Cindy's cake? The mother chicken crowed over the farm's new cow. The cow mooed over the chicken's new chick. Check to make sure the cow is not crowing. The chicken should be crowing. I like my cauliflower with cheese.
So now that you have learned the entire keyboard you are ready to improve your typing speed. Don't get discouraged if you are not typing over 40 words per minute right now. This is one of those times where the only way to improve is to continue to practice. You know what they say, "practice makes perfect." Most people find the numbers the most difficult part of mastering typing. This is probably because the number keys are the furthest away from the home row. So let's get a little extra practice in for these hard to reach keys:
In one (1) day you will get two (2) dogs that will cost $350.00 a piece. So the total would be $700.00 for both dogs. But, if you wait three (3) weeks, the cost per dog will decrease to $175.00. This amounts to a saving of 50%! So my #1 recommendation is to wait & have patience - this way you will have money left over to buy something else. What do you think about that idea?